
Outlander's Loot

Choice Box

New around these parts? Here's some goodies to help you get started!
You can choose from 1 of the 2 options. 
The different bundles cater to different playstyles when creating/growing 1 resinate. Neither option is more optimal than the other.
The option you choose will not be reversed!

Gentle Stroll
For curious and observant outlanders looking to study the realms at a leisurely pace. The subtle, yet impactful changes in the realms can be felt along the surface of these magical playgrounds. It interests you greatly.
Opening the rugged sack, inside you find the following:

  • x?? Resin Fragments
  • x1 Newcomers Companion [Leef]
  • x1 Egg [ baby resinate myo ]
  • x1 Random Berry [trait item]

Trailblazers Dash
For experienced and adventurous outlanders looking to explore the realms now rather than later. The mysterious events within divine remains interest you greatly.
Opening the rugged sack, inside you find the following:

  • x?? Resin Fragments
  • x1 Trailblazers Companion [Woodle]
  • x1 Egg [ adult resinate myo , make it after a name is thought up]

Obtainable at the General Shop



A sharp crystalized egg. Seems difficult to crack while the outer shell changes color depending on the realm it appears in. You can sense it contains a magical aura from within.

Resinate MYO. You must open the box to create the myo slot

Obtainable in various events,raffles, & the General Shop

Growth Shard

Magical glowing shard. A young Resinate can resonate with the shard itself to accelerate how fast they grow. 

A consumable growth item.
Equip this item when submitting the updated design on a baby resinate. Allows for you to skip all the growth prompts for that character.

Obtainable via events & raffles.

Gentle Stroll


For curious and observant outlanders looking to study the realms at a leisurely pace. The subtle, yet impactful changes in the realms can be felt along the surface of these magical playgrounds. It interests you greatly.
Opening the rugged sack, inside you find the following:

  • x?? Resin Fragments
  • x1 Newcomers Companion [Leef]
  • x1 Egg [ baby resinate myo ]
  • x1 Random Berry [trait item]

Obtainable from Outlander's Loot

Trailblazers Dash


For experienced and adventurous outlanders looking to explore the realms now rather than later. The mysterious events within divine remains interest you greatly.
Opening the rugged sack, inside you find the following:

  • x?? Resin Fragments
  • x1 Trailblazers Companion [Woodle]
  • x1 Egg [ adult resinate myo , make it after a name is thought up]

Obtainable from Outlander's Loot

Egg Adult

A sharp crystalized egg. Seems difficult to crack while the outer shell changes color depending on the realm it appears in. You can sense it contains a strong magical aura from within.

Adult Resinate MYO. You must open the box to create the myo slot

Obtainable in various events,raffles, & the General Shop

Wonder Berry


Mysterious berry full of color and suprises. Echo is often seen giving these out to newcomers into the land. They warn against taking a bite! alegedly the flavor can vary , last thing you need is to bite into a rotten tasting berry! Yes.. they confirmed that's happened before. Best heed their warning. Instead of biting into the berry itself, Echo suggests to chuck it into the ground and see what comes of it? Strange..

Random Berry Box. You must open the item to see what random berry you will get.

Obtainable from events , raffles, & Outlander's Loot

11 results found.